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case study

case study: Roxanna’s story

By 15 October 2024October 16th, 2024No Comments

“When most people hear “clutter,” they picture overflowing closets and messy desks. But Ingrid’s course delved so much deeper than just physical space. Through the modules, worksheets, and especially those powerful group calls, I realized how my physical clutter was a mirror reflecting my inner turmoil and emotional baggage. I even gained profound insights from recurring themes in my dreams (or rather, nightmares), recognizing my emotional self’s desperate plea for release.

Now, I’m acutely aware that my physical space is a direct reflection of my inner state. A growing pile of housework is a signal to pause and reflect on what’s truly bothering me.

Ingrid’s coaching style is a perfect balance – practical and challenging, yet always compassionate. She fosters a supportive environment where everyone’s “wins” are celebrated, and our progress is acknowledged in each group call. This encouragement continues even after the course ends, as we “graduate” into her monthly sessions, connecting with fellow “Break Through Your Clutter” alumni.

This course isn’t simply about tidying up; it’s about creating space – in your home and your heart – for the life you truly desire. If you’re feeling overwhelmed by any form of clutter – physical, emotional, or mental – and yearn for change, I wholeheartedly recommend Ingrid’s program. It’s an investment in yourself that yields immeasurable rewards.”


Roxanna Zea