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De-cluttering: creating space to think, to work, to live

My name is Ingrid Pope, and my mission is to de-clutter the world of everything that gets in the way of our effectiveness, our focus and our life.

Whether it is a cluttered mind, a cluttered heart or a cluttered desk, stuff can easily get in our way and distract us from our big ambitions. We get caught up in the detail, the fire-fighting, the rushing, and we don’t quite get around to the big project, the longer-term goal.

  • Do you feel emotionally overwhelmed?
  • Are you mentally overloaded and struggling to focus on what matters?
  • Is your space cluttered and you can’t find important things?

Then I can help. Explore my website and get in touch to see how.

Quick links:

Talking about de-cluttering:

In conversation with Nicolas Quoëx (21:30): How do our limiting beliefs get in our way, and what have sharks got to do with anything?
This one is in French, with English subtitles.

In conversation with Sue Cruse (22:06): How do we take a brain break and switch off for a while when we are caught up in the busy-ness? And what has mindfulness got to do with the corporate world?

Interview with CIO Watercooler (7:13): What are the challenges that CIOs face today? It’s mainly to do with people and head clutter.

… see more videos here

In the press:

De-cluttering: Creating Space for sustainability (Developing Leaders Quarterly – issue 43 – February 2024):

Ingrid Pope: Think Women’s 40 outstanding global women 2023 (June 2023):

De-cluttering: Creating Space to process our covid experience (January 2022):

Customers I have worked with: