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the art of self-disruption?

By 25 September 2019October 7th, 2019No Comments

Today I attended a very interesting talk on the Power of Diverse Thinking by Matthew Syed. We all know that diversity is meant to be a good thing, and there is now also a fair amount of empirical data to show that this is the case.

Diversity however is also not always relevant, it is highly context-specific. But essentially, the more complex the problem, the better the solution if you have a diverse team. Because people not only from different backgrounds (demographically diverse) but with also different ways of thinking (cognitively diverse) will challenge each other, and look for more ways of doing things better.

So we were left with an interesting task: how can we disrupt our own way of thinking and become more flexible and agile in our ideas?

Sometimes, it’s hard to do this ourselves. So if you want a disruptive thinking partner to cut through your mental clutter, get in touch and let’s talk.