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what’s on your desk?

By 21 October 2019No Comments

I was delighted to be invited by Owen James to deliver the keynote at last week’s Meeting Of Minds.

I spoke about de-cluttering, about why the stuff we accumulate matters, about how our digital clutter affects us even though we don’t notice it as much, and about how our emotional clutter also gets in the way from being our best both in the workplace and at home.

In the audience were senior financial advisors and they ranged from “I have nothing on my desk” to “I really need to get organized”. There is no one size fits all, and everyone has a different story to tell about their relationship with stuff.

They all had one thing in common though: the more clutter they had, the higher their stress levels. And in the case where they were very skilled at reducing their clutter level and delegating activities, they often overlooked the stress they might be causing others with their behavior.

Where are you on the clutter scale and where would you like to be?

And if you looking for a thinking partner to get you there, get in touch and let’s talk.