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when old becomes new

By 15 February 2018April 21st, 2018No Comments

I always feel like there is something quite nostalgic but also brutal about these exposed indoor walls.

The fireplaces and remaining wallpaper are so reminiscent of the lives that were lived in the building, and the fact we can see them from the sidewalk seems so incongruous. I find myself trying to imagine who lived there, their thrill at moving into a new home, their routines that were of a different era.

Very soon, the new will have replaced the old, and different lives will be lived in this space.

And a part of me feels a bit of sadness in the knowledge that the new walls will not hold the character that these old ones did. I wonder what lives will be lived there, in the newer, more modern and also less characterful flats.

Our space matters. It matters a lot. Where we live is an incredibly important factor to our well-being. Different people like different things, so also these modern flats will see happy lives lived in them, and excited households looking forward to a fresh start in their new 4 walls.

Do you love where you live?