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morning chat or morning dash?

By 07 December 2018No Comments

Walking through Covent Garden one morning this week, I watched the stall holders set up.

Anyone familiar with this spot in London will know how busy and bustly it will be in a few hours’ time! But for now, they are sipping their coffees, catching up with their fellow market sellers, and unpacking their wares from all the colorful big boxes. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed.

This might sound like a very different morning routine to the one we’re used to. Ours seems to be a rush from start to finish, with half of our emails already answered before we even reach the office, and a permanent busy-ness being more like it.

But there is great benefit to starting the day well, to taking some time to set our intention for what we want to achieve and how we want to be.

So in all the morning clutter, what routines do you have? Get in touch here if you want to de-clutter your habits to become more effective.