blog swingin’ it! When's the last time you had some silly fun? Slowly but surely, as we grow…admin@CSC22 July 2021
blog I need my space Does this feel familiar? Sometimes, we just need some space. Space from others, space from…admin@CSC16 July 2021
blog turning down the volume So what cluttered me this week? Yep, it was my inner chatter. Being self-employed means…admin@CSC16 July 2021
blog setting new expectations Something odd has been happening to me lately.As more businesses have been opening up again…admin@CSC09 July 2021
blog de-clutter your inner critic Aren’t we good at being hard on ourselves? Depending on our nature, this can be…admin@CSC19 January 2021
blog de-clutter your assumptions Every day, going about our business, interacting with colleagues or friends, listening and feeding our…admin@CSC12 November 2020
blog de-clutter your disguises This is a topic that has come up with my clients a number of times…admin@CSC11 November 2020
blog want to change the world? I have been thinking a lot lately about how I can make more of a…admin@CSC01 September 2020
blog de-clutter your comms Tip 12: de-clutter your communications. How often do people not quite understand what you are…admin@CSC31 August 2020
blog de-clutter your diary Tip 11: de-clutter your diary. With time, we tend to get into routines and auto-pilot…admin@CSC04 August 2020